Rakhi is the celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters, and it's on August 21st this year! There is a ceremony where a sister ties a bracelet (or even just a piece of string or thread) on to her brother's wrist. In return, she gets her brother's undying devotion and protection, and usually a small gift.
This will be the third Rakhi we are celebrating with both kids. You can read about year one (and see a video of the ceremony) HERE...
And year two... *happysob* they grow up so fast!!
Rakhi's basically are friendship bracelets. Ever since I can remember, I've always made the ones we use in our ceremonies. Last year, I wrote a tutorial about how to make a rakhi with your toddler.
Come back tomorrow for a tutorial on how to make a super comfortable Rakhi/ friendship bracelet from knit fabric. And since it's Create With Kids month, I'll be sharing tips on how to make them with your kids.
Thank you for letting me share-- Rakhi kicks off a busy holiday season for our family that runs through September. I love posting about Rakhi and Diwali here at Make It Handmade, but want to make sure that you enjoy reading!
Out of curiosity... do any of you all celebrate Rakhi? Or simply enjoy reading about celebrations that might be different from your own?