Since they live out of state, I sent them a little handmade something a few months ago.
They decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise so I selected mostly neutral colored hats. You may recognize some from the Newborn Hatstravaganza.
I also threw in a definitely boy hat... (Based on the bubble gum pattern)
And a girly one....
So this masculine Everything Hat ...
is transformed into a sweet, tiny cloche.
I was lucky enough to see a few pictures of this newest arrival on Facebook yesterday. I was right-- She's A Girl! It took me a bit to realize that her adorable little head was in one of my hats. I felt so honored that a little piece of me is with that precious little one. Congratulations again Sonia and Amit!
For the rest of you; thank you for letting me wax on about newborn hats and knitting in the middle of June. Stop by tomorrow for a dose of sewing and another Handmade Confession!