Friday, June 28, 2013

I've gotta be honest...

I feel like this about Google Reader going away:

The Cotton Candy Dress
My handy google reader next button was a huge part of my morning. Between making breakfast, changing diapers, and having tea, I'd click the button and see what awesomeness was going on in the bloggy world. I also used it to keep up with news, comb craigslist for deals, and just general entertainment.

I'm slowly moving through the stages of grief, and hopefully by the time Google Reader finally goes away on Monday, I'll be at acceptance.

In case you are a hanger on like me-- you can still move all your subscriptions to Bloglovin' or Feedly.

And if you've already made the move; here are some links to subscribe to MIH:

I love having each and everyone of you as a reader-- and I hope we stay in touch! See you back here in a bit for a confession from Anshu!