Wednesday, December 19, 2012

More Grandparent Handprint Printables

Everyday someone finds my blog while searching for these Grandparent Handprint printables from Grandparent's Day earlier this year.

And... I always feel bad because the printables from that post have dates on them, so they can't be used anymore.

So I made some new ones!

In a cute frame, these would make a great last minute gift (or add on gift) for grandparents. It would also be a fun craft to do with your nieces and nephews while you are in town and babysitting! (ahem...hint, hint!)

You can purchase a blank handprint tree printable here, and then customize it with a favorite quote, your child's name, or anything you like.

Although it's pretty self explanatory, I have a few tips on how to do this with small children in the original Grandparent's Day Handprint Tree Tutorial.

For a different look: KJ at Lets Go Fly A Kite did this craft with her kids but used red and orange thumbprints for an autumn look and it came out just gorgeous. She has a ton of ideas for crafts to do with your kids-- or your nieces and nephews, if their parents happen to be out to the movies.

I hope everyone is having a good week. We are rich in grandparents around here and I enjoy sharing the love and appreciation of them. If you use this printable, I'd love to hear about it! Feel free to leave a link in the comments or drop me an email.