
Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Big Announcements... and a Giveaway!

I'm so very happy to be able to make two big announcements today! (to skip the gushing, just scroll down to win $25 to on of my fav online shops!)

Firstly... I've been working on a brand new frugal sewing site called It's finally ready, and I'm so, so glad to finally share it with you all!
Sewistry is all about sewing on the cheap! I'm a total cheapskate ahem... frugalista; and I love a good deal on fabric and sewing things for free! Right now on Sewistry, we feature 2 frugal sewing projects each weekday and have an entire section devoted to projects that cost 10 dollars or less to sew.

Later this year, we'll also be adding fun features like reviews, buying guides and sale and coupon alerts. Basically, if it's about sewing and saves you money you'll see it on Sewistry.  I'll have more information and details about how you can get involved later this month.

I've poured so much love into Sewistry, and I truly hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. If you do, subscribe to Sewistry using Feedly, Bloglovin, RSS or email!

In other news... I'm very proud to announce Make It Handmade's first sponsor!

I've been a fan of Ribbon Retreat for years, and when I decided to take on sponsors, they were the first ones I asked. ( I still have spots open, so if you are interested in sponsoring, please contact me!)

I've used their ribbons and and hardware in a bunch of projects on MIH (like the no sew bows, the TOT bag, the Tea Towel Aprons, and the Father's Day aprons... and that's just off the top of my head!)

They have an incredible fabric selection which includes fabric from all the major quilt fabric designers, as well as a huge selection of minky and other specialty fabrics.

 But... that's not why I buy from them. I've been reading sewing blogs for years, and The Ribbon Retreat was one of the small businesses that I saw really go out of their way to support the sewing bloggers that I learned so much from. They've built up a wonderful community on the Ribbon Retreat blog, which has given new bloggers (like me) a head start. Right now they are running a fun boy series on their blog! I'm so proud to support them, because they've been supporting this community for so long.

They've also graciously offered a $25 gift certificate to use on anything in their store for MIH readers because you all are so awesome (really, you are!)

The giveaway starts now and will end next Wenesday Night. I'll announce the winner here at the blog next Thursday!

I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful day! Tomorrow we'll be back here with a brand new Handmade Confession by Elisa from Charming Doodle!

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